Macro to Micro
In last weeks Opus (Opus 5) we described how duality, moments, and precedents are the backbone for composition. Composition is the overall big picture to the piece. For example, the Eiffel tower brings a feeling of uplifting. The verticality of the monument unifies the city of Paris beneath it. The Acropolis’ Parthenon also brings unity and a strong composition by the addition of the Erechtion and the Proplyia. Gestault Theory is a series of terms and ideas that form a composition. The Gestault Theory ranges from the law of continuation to the law of proximity to the law of symmetry.

Porch, Court, and Hearth are the standard for most temples, churches, and gothic cathedrals. In the Parthenon, the porch is situated near the steps, the court is the giant meeting space, and the hearth is the spot to worship. It is used even today in most architecture. For instance, in Washington D.C the Lincoln Memorial has the porch, court, and hearth. The steps and procession before the monument plays as the porch, the area between the steps and the monument is the court, and finally the giant statue of President Lincoln is the hearth.
Parthenon Plan

In our Perception and Communication studies class with Mrs. Cabrera, we learned the different types of diagrams on an architectural level. Diagrams differ from plan sketches because diagrams convey information using color, text, and a lot of details. Diagrams show nearby trees, the wind direction, and even movement of people. They provide information that is not provided on plans or blueprints or anything technical. For the class, I had to draw a hierarchical diagram of the Curry building to show the importance of the building. I chose to highlight the second floor with blue and the ground floor red to distinguish between the two.
On the Salisbury Cathedral, the statues that make up the front façade are covered in figure impressions. Impressions are designs within a type of material. For instance, in the Gateway’s project, they made an impression of two opposing curves within concrete. Making a cutout that is placed beneath the concrete did it and it created an opposite mold when the cardboard was removed. Impressions like the walk of fame in Hollywood are made up of handprints from hundreds of famous celebrity stars. At the Asheboro Zoo there were impressions of leafs and footprints to enhance the feeling of nature ahead.

Details are the tiny simple things that make up perfection and ideal. The Greeks strived for this perfection. They added details and necessary changes to perfect anything. Using sensitivity to an object and caring for it creates detail. For example, in any piece of art that you see, the tiny – almost miniscule – additions to the piece is termed detail. In writing, teachers always want details because it creates an illusion of being there and/or relating to the subject. It paints a mental picture to help the audience understand.
Porch, Court, and Hearth are the standard for most temples, churches, and gothic cathedrals. In the Parthenon, the porch is situated near the steps, the court is the giant meeting space, and the hearth is the spot to worship. It is used even today in most architecture. For instance, in Washington D.C the Lincoln Memorial has the porch, court, and hearth. The steps and procession before the monument plays as the porch, the area between the steps and the monument is the court, and finally the giant statue of President Lincoln is the hearth.
Parthenon Plan

In our Perception and Communication studies class with Mrs. Cabrera, we learned the different types of diagrams on an architectural level. Diagrams differ from plan sketches because diagrams convey information using color, text, and a lot of details. Diagrams show nearby trees, the wind direction, and even movement of people. They provide information that is not provided on plans or blueprints or anything technical. For the class, I had to draw a hierarchical diagram of the Curry building to show the importance of the building. I chose to highlight the second floor with blue and the ground floor red to distinguish between the two.
On the Salisbury Cathedral, the statues that make up the front façade are covered in figure impressions. Impressions are designs within a type of material. For instance, in the Gateway’s project, they made an impression of two opposing curves within concrete. Making a cutout that is placed beneath the concrete did it and it created an opposite mold when the cardboard was removed. Impressions like the walk of fame in Hollywood are made up of handprints from hundreds of famous celebrity stars. At the Asheboro Zoo there were impressions of leafs and footprints to enhance the feeling of nature ahead.

Details are the tiny simple things that make up perfection and ideal. The Greeks strived for this perfection. They added details and necessary changes to perfect anything. Using sensitivity to an object and caring for it creates detail. For example, in any piece of art that you see, the tiny – almost miniscule – additions to the piece is termed detail. In writing, teachers always want details because it creates an illusion of being there and/or relating to the subject. It paints a mental picture to help the audience understand.

Proper Citation Necessary
So the past couple of days have probably been the worst couple of days I've ever had. I honestly think that a black dismal cloud has been stalking me trying to break me. I've tried to do things to better my mood or at least calm me. I've laid in the snow and tried to find some sort of serenity. I've paced back and forth talking to myself to settle the confusion of multiple objectives and goals for the week. So, what's exactly bothering me? I lost my car keys, my crosswalk group probably hates me because I can't conjure enough strength to actually physically do anything. My portal group probably thinks im not taking this/these projects seriously. I'm trying and honestly, I feel like quitting. Frankly, I can't because I like this major, and although my grades don't show it, i'm trying. I always want new starts, but to say the truth, there are never new starts, its just now.
"In these deep city lights, we could get lost tonight. I'm finding every reason to be gone, theres nothing here to hold on to." - Sara Bareilles
"In these deep city lights, we could get lost tonight. I'm finding every reason to be gone, theres nothing here to hold on to." - Sara Bareilles
Unit Summaries (Foundation)
From the reading from Roth, it is clearly shown that circles and stones played a very important role in the beginning interior designs. In England, Stonehenge, a giant structure made up of larger vertical stones and everlasting qualities, provided time and passage. The use of large and heavy stones made it possible to stand through any possible threat. The nearby lake was said to have passage qualities. For example, when people died they would celebrate their bodies at Stonehenge and sail the dead bodies downstream. Stonehenge was a “stopping place” on their journey to Heaven. In Egypt, pyramids such as the “Pyramids at Giza”, provided safe passage and eternal life for the Egyptian Pharaoh Khufu.
The Pyramids at Giza were also an experimental and simple structure that showed off the male properties. Unlike the Temple for Hatshepsut, the Great Pyramid at Giza used a simple triangular shape, which symbolizes the male species. It shows this by its formation and how it is erected from the ground. The Temple for Hatshepsut, an after thought of the pyramids at Giza, used higher technology and had functionality. The grand columns and its verticality signified a female building.
As centuries passed in time; the technology increased ten-fold. In Greece, the Acropolis showed much improvement from the previous eras. The Parthenon showed how the Greeks tried to reach the ideal world. In the Pantheon, the designers used the diameter of the columns to measure the entire building. The Erechtion, was built after the Parthenon to show Greece’s past, present, and future. As a feministic building, the architect integrated nudist woman figures into the columns that face the Parthenon.
The Doric column that is placed strategically into the Parthenon is a prototype to the columns that later are installed into Roman architecture. After the Doric, came the Ionic and Composite columns that were more elaborate and extravagant. Another prototype would be the arches. They went from the regular arches and soon developed into groin vaults and in turn evolved to grand cathedrals.
During the thirteenth century the infamous French Cathedral, Amiens, was built and changed how society viewed churches. The construction of the Amiens Cathedral threw the society into the Dark Ages. It affected the society by its grandeur and high style components of the cathedral. Church going became more extravagant due to the flying buttresses to the intricate design on the west façade, made church going extravagant.
To describe the foundations unit with one structure I would say it was the Greek Parthenon. The Parthenon for Athena demonstrated how Greece tried to show the ideal. The Parthenon also casts a shadow over Greece and affected the Greece society. The Parthenon shows passage and time by the prototypical “porch, court, and hearth” template, which was later integrated into gothic cathedrals centuries later. The Parthenon was a stepping-stone in design and architecture. It demonstrated the intricate details and measurements to a near perfect design. Even today it is capable of standing the test of time to show eternal life of the goddess Athena.
The Pyramids at Giza were also an experimental and simple structure that showed off the male properties. Unlike the Temple for Hatshepsut, the Great Pyramid at Giza used a simple triangular shape, which symbolizes the male species. It shows this by its formation and how it is erected from the ground. The Temple for Hatshepsut, an after thought of the pyramids at Giza, used higher technology and had functionality. The grand columns and its verticality signified a female building.
As centuries passed in time; the technology increased ten-fold. In Greece, the Acropolis showed much improvement from the previous eras. The Parthenon showed how the Greeks tried to reach the ideal world. In the Pantheon, the designers used the diameter of the columns to measure the entire building. The Erechtion, was built after the Parthenon to show Greece’s past, present, and future. As a feministic building, the architect integrated nudist woman figures into the columns that face the Parthenon.
The Doric column that is placed strategically into the Parthenon is a prototype to the columns that later are installed into Roman architecture. After the Doric, came the Ionic and Composite columns that were more elaborate and extravagant. Another prototype would be the arches. They went from the regular arches and soon developed into groin vaults and in turn evolved to grand cathedrals.
During the thirteenth century the infamous French Cathedral, Amiens, was built and changed how society viewed churches. The construction of the Amiens Cathedral threw the society into the Dark Ages. It affected the society by its grandeur and high style components of the cathedral. Church going became more extravagant due to the flying buttresses to the intricate design on the west façade, made church going extravagant.
To describe the foundations unit with one structure I would say it was the Greek Parthenon. The Parthenon for Athena demonstrated how Greece tried to show the ideal. The Parthenon also casts a shadow over Greece and affected the Greece society. The Parthenon shows passage and time by the prototypical “porch, court, and hearth” template, which was later integrated into gothic cathedrals centuries later. The Parthenon was a stepping-stone in design and architecture. It demonstrated the intricate details and measurements to a near perfect design. Even today it is capable of standing the test of time to show eternal life of the goddess Athena.
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